Despite rising demand, housing levels in Britain’s private rented sector are dwindling, highlighting the need for more investment in purpose-built rental property for the country’s growing number of tenants.
High street bank lending for house purchases grew by 3.6 per cent compared to the same month in 2017, UK Finance figures released today demonstrate.
Almost half the population in the UK, some 48% think re-introducing 100% mortgages is a good idea, a nationwide poll has found.
The sense of community that emerges from cohousing developments is not merely due to its physical design, nor is it a happy accident — it is the central aim of the development and management process, which starts prior to the design and development of these communities.
The vast majority of building societies, some 87%, expect the Bank of Mum and Dad to play an increasing role in helping first time buyers get on the housing ladder over the next five to 10 years.